We want your voice, not his! #Womeninpolitics
Across the Union, our societies are diverse. Our politics, however, are not!
What can we do to improve gender equality in European politics? With our guests Members from the European Parliament as well as , national and European civil society, together with Road to 50, I vote Europe will discuss how we can make the European Parliament more representative of Europe’s diversity.
Speakers will be:
Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield, MEP, Greens/EFA
Réka Sáfrány, President of the European Women's Lobby
Ophélie Omnes, Board Member for the Young European Federalists
Damian Boeselager, MEP, Greens/EFA

European democracy: Are we missing women? How to improve equality and diversity in national politics
Across the Union, our societies are diverse and gender-balanced. Our national politics, however, are not! What can we do to change this? Do we need quotas or rules for elections to improve gender equality nationally? Or should we leave election rules as they are?
Together with Road to 50, I vote Europe will host a fascinating debate on gender equality and greater diversity in national politics. Our incredible group of panelists include:
Marieke Koekkoek, Member of the Dutch Parliament
Antonio Argenziano, Chair of the Young European Federalists Italy
Jéromine Andolfatto, European Women lobby
Lia Quartapelle, Member of the Italian Parliament (provisional)
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European democracy: Are we missing something?
With 27 different elections - each with their own rules, quotas and thresholds for who can vote and who can run for office - the impact of a European citizen's vote depends on which country they were born or live in. What should we change in our electoral systems to ensure fair representation of all EU citizens at the parliament?